Thursday, June 11, 2009


Last weekend I went with the climbing company to a remote mountain called Nyeong Song San (i'm absolutely sure that's spelled incorrectly). These are some of the peeps.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard

I wanted to recommend a couple online videos I've really enjoyed recently.

The first one is The Story of Stuff which you can download directly from the . It is about the story of...stuff. It's fun, informative, and using some great examples puts stuff, pun intended, into perspective.

Another video which is much more comprehensive but equally as fascinating is found at the Manpollo Project . Actually this website has a series of about 10 lectures by the same dude, only about 3 of which I've seen. Start with the first one, How It All Ends. This guy teaches you how to evaluate sources of scientific information as they pertain to global warming. There are many debates, still, about global warming and trying to know who to believe can sometimes be very difficult if you aren't a scientist or can't evaluate the data directly. The Manpollo Project seeks to help you.

"Get informed then let it change you"- Manpollo Project
